#008 – Alex Huanfa Cheng

#008 – Alex Huanfa Cheng

Sale Price:€7.50 Original Price:€15.00

Issue #008 — UTOPIA ユートピア

There are two false meanings of Utopia — one is the notion of imagining an ideal society that we know will never be realised, the other is the aspirational capitalist Utopia that you are not only forbidden nor even able to realise. Isnʼt the true Utopia a situation so without issue that we donʼt feel the need to talk about it?

We are in the beginnings of the COVID-19 crisis, where things happen that would have seemed impossible a few weeks ago. Most borders on the globe are closed, entire economic systems have shut down and the sheer helplessness of established structures to sustain us in the face of a pandemic has become alarmingly apparent. There is no better time for utopian ideas — because as Oscar Wilde put it “Progress is the realisation of Utopias”.

Itʼs time to seriously discuss universal basic incomes and open borders — because we have seen that our current systems are failing us — now more than ever.

CHANEL: Through the Looking-Glass (Haute Couture Spring-Summer 2020), Alina Asmus, Kira Bunse, Alex Huanfa Cheng, Louis Hofmann, Manuel Iljitsch, Olivier Kervern, John Clayton Lee, Jonathan Niclaus, Stefan Dotter

“Chinese Wonderland”
photographed by Alex Huanfa Cheng

Language: English
Pages: 176
Size: 22 cm x 29 cm
Printed in Germany
ISSN: 2363-8745


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